Artikel Cluster Bahasa Indonesia nih


oh, ya tugasnya itu (menurut catatan saya mah) :

1. cari contoh cluster di indonesia atau ASEAN

2. cari contoh strategi pengembangan cluster

3. buat pengembangan cluster untuk (pilih salah satu): industri agro, industri telematika, industri alat angkut di Indonesia plus strateginya. Silakan diturunkan untuk satu komoditi aja, misal kelapa sawit, komputer, bajaj…apapun deh..

begitu kira-kira 😛

Tugas Cluster Perebi

Industrial Clusters and Networks: Case Studies of SME Growth and Innovation

lumayan buat bahan tugas Perebi.. kalau mau tambahan (hehe..) bisa dicari di situs atau

tinggal copy-paste linknya, trus pilih filenya mau yang mana..banyak banget soalnya…yang ini yang dipake sama bu Fitri kemarin..



Kebijakan Umum di Bidang Ekspor 2007

Kebijakan Umum di Bidang Ekspor 2007

Kebijakan Umum di Bidang Ekspor 2007

Dokumen tentang Kebijakan Umum di Bidang Ekspor 2007, sebagaimana yang telah dirilis oleh Direktorat Jenderal Perdagangan Luar Negeri Departemen Perdagangan pada tahun 2007.

Lumayan buat nambah2 data ngerjain tugas, 😀

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Kebijakan Negara dan Publik

Slide kuliah pertemuan ke 6 Analisis Perekonomian dan Bisnis Indonesia

Kebijakan Negara dan Publik

Dimensi Internasional


Laporan Perekonomian Indonesia 2007

Laporan Perekonomian Indonesia Tahun 2007

Laporan Perekonomian Indonesia Tahun 2007


here is the files

Jurnal tentang Money Supply

Money supply

How the Economy Really Works- Inflation, Money Supply and the Velocity of Money

By: John Mauldin


  • The Velocity Of Money
  • Is the Money Supply Growing or Not?
  • P=MV
  • A Slowdown in Velocity
  • If You Are in a Hole, Stop Digging
  • And More Write-offs to Come



How the Economy Really Works- Inflation, Money Supply and the Velocity of Money (DOC, 277 Kb)
(right click > save…)

enjoy 😀

Jurnal tentang Inflation Targeting

Inflation Targeting: A New Framework for Monetary Policy?

Ben S. Bernanke, Frederic S. Mishkin

NBER Working Paper No. 5893 (Also Reprint No. r2143)*
Issued in July 1997

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In recent years a number of industrialized countries have adopted a strategy for monetary policy known as `inflation targeting.’ We describe how this approach has been implemented in practice and argue that it is best understood as a broad framework for policy, which allows the central bank `constrained discretion,’ rather than as an ironclad policy rule in the Friedman sense. We discuss the potential of the inflation-targeting approach for making monetary policy more coherent and transparent, and for increasing monetary policy discipline. Our final section addresses some additional practical issues raised by this approach.

*Published: Bernanke, Ben S. and Frederic S. Mishkin. “Inflation Targeting: A New Framework For Monetary Policy?,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 1997, v11(2,Spring), 97-116.

Inflation Targeting Framework (ITF) di Indonesia

Inflation Targeting Framework

ITF merupakan sebuah kerangka kebijakan moneter yang ditandai dengan pengumuman kepada publik mengenai target inflasi yang hendak dicapai dalam beberapa periode ke depan. Secara eksplisit dinyatakan bahwa inflasi yang rendah dan stabil merupakan tujuan utama dari kebijakan moneter. Sesuai definisi di atas, sejak berlakunya UU No. 23/1999 Indonesia sebenarnya dapat dikategorikan sebagai “Inflation Targeting lite countries”.

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Kumpulan Artikel tentang ‘Crowding Out’

Crowding Out on Macroeconomics Challenges

Crowding Out on Economist’s View

The Influence of Monetary and Fiscal Policy on Aggregate Demand

The ‘Crowding Out’ of Private Expenditures by Fiscal Policy Actions (PDF, 1.5 MB)

Selamat membaca, 🙂

Crowding Out

In economics, crowding out theoretically occurs when the government expands its borrowing to finance increased expenditure, or cuts taxes (i.e. is engaged in deficit spending), crowding out private sector investment by way of higher interest rates. To the extent that there is controversy in modern Macroeconomics on the subject, it is because of disagreements about how financial markets would react to more government borrowing.

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